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See the difference that PETA Pack team members have made for animals!

About the PETA Pack

Ready to join the team? Wondering how it works? We're here for you!

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions that we receive. If you don't see your question, contact us at [email protected] and let us know how we can help you.

Event FAQs

What type of event is eligible?

Any type of event in which you're being active is eligible. Typically, most people choose a local event like a 5K, but it's really up to you. You can take a bike ride, go for a swim, or even just go for a walk around your neighborhood—the sky is the limit. If you want people to donate for your birthday or if you want to do something for animals that doesn't seem to fit here, check out our other site, Fundraise for Animals.

Can I do more than one event?

Yes! You can participate in as many events as you'd like. Your profile stays active for as long as you want, so you can raise funds at event after event, year after year. You can also create a separate page for each event that you're participating in and manage each in the fundraising dashboard. The choice is yours, but the sky's the limit!

How often are there featured races?

It really just depends. We're constantly keeping an eye out for a chance to get the team together for an event. Check the website often, as we give people plenty of time before an event to join in.

Fundraising FAQs

What exactly is PETA, and why should I raise money for it?

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is the largest animal rights organization in the world, with more than 6.5 million members and supporters worldwide. It focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: on factory farms, in the clothing industry, in laboratories, and in the entertainment business. It also works to prevent other types of abuse, including the cruel killing of rodents, birds, and other "pests" and the neglect of "backyard dogs." PETA works through public information, cruelty investigations, research, animal-rescue efforts, litigation, special events, celebrity involvement, and protest campaigns. You can find out more about the organization on its website PETA.org.

The money that you raise could help purchase a sturdy doghouse for a neglected "backyard dog" who has no shelter, or it could help rescue an animal from an abusive situation, support our eyewitness investigators who are working to expose cruel conditions behind the scenes, and much more.

I love animals and want to help, but how can I possibly raise $500?

It may seem impossible, but you can do it. Animals need you! Your profile also stays active as long as you do, so you can take all the time that you need in order to reach your goal.

Got any tips for me?

  1. E-mail everyone you know and ask them to sponsor you. Your friends and family care about you and want to see you challenge yourself and succeed.
  2. In lieu of birthday or anniversary gifts, ask your loved ones to sponsor your run. Who needs another sweater or gift card anyway?
  3. If you have relatives or former teachers who care about animals, write them a handwritten letter explaining your efforts and why you're training. That will make them feel involved and give them a way to help animals, while also supporting someone they care about.

How exactly does the fundraising work?

We encourage you to start early so that you don't have to think about it during those last few weeks leading up to your race. And after you've completed your event, share your victory with others in order to encourage people to reward your efforts!

How much does this cost?

It's completely free to create a PETA Pack page! But any registration fees associated with an event that you choose to participate in are your own responsibility.

If it's free, how do I get a PETA Pack race T-shirt?

If you raise $50 or more, you're eligible for an official PETA Pack race T-shirt. When you reach that milestone, we'll get in touch with you.

Where's my T-shirt?

E-mail us at [email protected] if you have questions about your T-shirt.

Are PETA Pack donations tax-deductible?

All PETA Pack donations are tax-deductible as long as they're made online or the check is made payable to PETA.

I'm too shy to ask people for money. What can I do?

We're here to help, and we know you can do it. How many times have people asked you to support them? Did you ever think that it was weird or annoying? Of course not.

Animals depend on us for help. Think about it this way: You're not asking for yourself—you're asking for them. In addition, you're benefiting the people you ask: By allowing them the opportunity to support your training and PETA's vital work, they'll feel included in something meaningful.

Running FAQs

If someone were chasing me, I'd probably curl up in a ball before I'd run. How will I be able to do this?

Running? For fun? Crazy, right? But don't let being a beginner scare you off—you can do this. We'll provide you with a 12-week training schedule. The program was crafted by a professional fitness trainer and will guide you through an effective training regimen that also includes basic essentials such as proper rest and nutrition. It's designed for three different levels—beginner, intermediate, and advanced—so no matter where you're coming from, we've got you covered.

I tried to run before and hated it. I want to join the PETA Pack, but I just can't run!

First, there is no "can't." There may be an "It was really hard, and I vowed never to do it again"—but there's no "can't." New runners often make mistakes—such as wearing the wrong shoes, having bad running form, or overdoing it in the beginning—that can cause discomfort and completely turn them off. We've made all these errors ourselves. E-mail the team at [email protected] for help.

I'm vegan or vegetarian, or I'm about to go vegan or vegetarian. How will that affect my running?

Some of the best athletes in the world are vegetarian or vegan, and it makes sense: Eating vegan means that our bodies aren't constantly struggling to overcome blocked arteries, which are associated with consuming animal-derived ingredients. If you're ready to make the transition to vegan or vegetarian eating, now is the perfect time to do it. You can e-mail the team at [email protected] with any questions that you have. We're always happy to share a recipe or two as well!

Is running really good for you?

So we've been told. Check out the following Time.com article to learn more: "Runners' High: Joggers Live Longer."

What are some benefits of running with the PETA Pack?

  1. You'll have a lower heart rate and blood pressure.
  2. You can eat more without gaining weight.
  3. You'll have great legs.
  4. You'll sleep better.
  5. You'll get outside and enjoy the fresh air—and maybe even do some exploring.
  6. You'll get that runner's high.
  7. You'll feel great psychologically. We'll all hold each other accountable, you'll be running for an important cause, and when you're finished, you'll feel a huge sense of accomplishment.
  8. In the future, you’ll get to brag about that time you ran a half-marathon.
  9. We can all complain together when we're first starting out.
  10. You'll meet new people like you who are active and fun and care about animals!